Anthology Integration Practice

Accelerate Anthology Automations with Expert Integration Services and Powerful AI-Driven Integration Technology

Anthology Data Integration Services

Unlock the Full Potential of Anthology

Anthology Student Data Integration

Achieve more actionable analytics and personalized educational experiences for every student and faculty-member in unprecedented time.

With our Professional Services team, combined with the Lingk iPaaS+, we enable cost-effective integrations that deliver enterprise-level capabilities without the heavy enterprise price tag.

“Every time we had a bug or error in Anthology—we dial 911 to Lingk.”

Joel Musgrove

Dr. Joel Musgrove, Sr. Executive Vice President of Operations

American National University (ANU)

Featured Anthology Integrations

Accelerate Anthology ecosystem integrations with Managed Integration Services (MIS)—an expert integration support team capable to take on your IT burden of integrations. Choose from a range of flexible service plans that fit your support needs and budget.

✓ Consistent Coordination and Collaboration to Align with Strategic and Business Process Goals

✓ Enterprise Data Architects, Project Managers, & Data Analysts

✓ Enterprise Architecture Strategy

✓ Ongoing Maintenance of Integrations

✓ Lingk iPaaS included

End-to-End Integration Project Support

Managed Integration Services (MIS)

Common Use Cases

Real-Time Student Information Sync

Automatically sync student records, course enrollments, and degree progress between Anthology Student, CRM, LMS, and financial systems.

Seamless Faculty and Course Management

Ensure accurate faculty assignments and course scheduling by integrating Anthology with HR, LMS, and scheduling platforms.

Financial Aid and Billing Automation

Automate the flow of financial aid data and student billing between Anthology and financial platforms.

Lingk All-in-One Platform

✓ No-Code, Low-Code Enterprise Cloud iPaaS

✓ Data Integration AI Agent

✓ Meta-Data First, Zero-Copy Data Cloud

✓ Pre-Built Connectors to Any Enterprise System and Environment

✓ Advanced Analytics AI Modules with Dynamic Data Pipelines

Anthology Data Integration Platform

Anthology Data Strategy that’s AI-Ready

Unlock unprecedented efficiency, simplicity, and data coherence across all systems with Lingk’s pre-built connectors to other enterprise systems in your organization


